Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Seeking first His Kingdom

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33 ESV)

In Matthew 6:33 Jesus was talking to His disciples about not worrying about what they would wear, or where they would find shelter, or even what they would eat. He said His father took care of the birds of the air and the lillies of the fields, how much more will the Father take care for you? So Jesus said for us not to worry, but instead we should seek first His kingdom and all these things would be added unto us.

No one is exempt from worries and struggles in life. We all face temptation every single day to give into the doubt and fear that surrounds this world. When we follow the instruction or advice that Jesus gave in Matthew 6:33 we allow ourselves a free pass from worry and doubt. We say, "there's no sense worrying about life, I'll trust and have faith in God."

I've heard the argument before "well, I have to worry about life and the struggles, it's being responsible." I'm not advocating irresponsibility, I'm saying responsibility doesn't equal worry, doubt, and fear. Responsibility equals trust, faith, and peace.

When we seek first the kingdom of heaven, we meditate on God and what He is associated with. So what is associated with God? Your answer will determine what you truly believe about God. Is your answer peace, hope, love, kindness, gentleness, healing, prosperity, faith, sacrifice, servanthood, royalty, holiness, salvation and forgiveness? Are those the things you're thinking of when you are "seeking first the kingdom of God"? Or are you thinking of hate, shame, fear, worry, doubt, judgement, sickness, and lack?

There are actually two kingdoms of God. There is the actual kingdom of God and then there's the one we create based out of our experiences in life. If I was raised in a church and surrounded by people that taught God’s shame and disgust for my life because I am a worthless sinner, than I'll probably seek a kingdom that is distorted and filled with a hateful god that finds me disgusting and never provides for me. Would that kind of god really care for my life, where I eat or sleep?

If I were raised in a church and surrounded by people that preached and believed in a loving God who forgives my sins and cares for my welfare, well then the kingdom I seek will be a kingdom filled with healing, faith, love, prosperity, and hope. A kingdom that lacks worry and fear. That's a God who cares for me and provides for my every need.

So what kingdom, what God, are you seeking and believing in? It's easy to express with your words that you believe in the real God, the loving God who provides for your every need. But what does your heart say? Does your heart say the opposite? Where is your faith? Is your faith focused on what you've known to be true, the fear, doubt, and worry? Or is your faith in Jesus and in His word?

Genuinely take a look at your heart. Ask God to reveal the areas in your life where you're doubting His ability. It may require that God becomes something or someone different than who you've thought He was through out your life.

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