Monday, June 11, 2012

Vanilla Ice Cream

"Tell me, you whom I love
with all my heart—
where do you pasture your flock,
where do you rest them at noon?—
so I don’t wander about among the flocks of your companions.
[Man]" (Song of Solomon 1:7 CEB)

A few years ago when I first read this verse I highlighted it in my bible.
It struck me then, at a younger age, that I should be seeking to find where God is.
I think most people have a tendency to bring God, or try to bring God, where they are. Just look at all the different denominations within Christianity.
Some believe God is all about prophesy so they start a prophetic church. Some believe God is only evangelistic so they start an evangelistic church.

I wonder what a church would look like if the entire body walked in the understanding that they didn't have the answer to everything. Instead of stretching verses to prove our arguments we would feel secure in admitting we didn't understand everything within Christianity.
And I think most Christians can admit they don't understand everything. I believe the bible even says that we'll never know everything about God, and if we'll never fully know everything about God than how could we ever fully know everything about Christianity?

Looking at verse 7 above the question asked is "where do you pasture your flock, where do you rest them at noon?" This bride didn't assume to know where her lover would be. She does not act arrogantly saying "My Lord is resting over yonder with His flock." You see, that's what we Christians do. We become so afraid that if we don't know the answer to every question concerning Christianity we are somehow going to ruin our lives and the lives of the people asking the questions. What happens next is we begin stretching verses to fit our beliefs, we lead people where we think God is moving instead of leading them where God is really moving. And how do we know where God is moving? We ask Him.

It's so easy for a person to not move forward or backward in life. We become so comfortable with the same job, the same Sunday morning church service, the same vanilla ice cream, the same friday night rituals. As we grow older we fear change, we fear the "what if?" We refuse to ask God "Where do You pasture your flock? Where do You rest Your flock at noon?" We refuse to ask God these questions because we fear what His answer would be. What if God asked you to go into a third world country and work with the unlovable? We never ask God where He is because we don't want to accept His answer. What's worse, Never asking God where He is and where He wants us to go? or Asking HIm and not listing to what He says? Personally, I would rather live my life aware of the fact that I don't want to change rather than live ignorantly to the fact that I am an interesting and changing person. I'd rather know I'm being close-minded than thinking I'm open-minded when I'm really not.
I don't want to assume I'm mint chocolate chip ice cream when I'm really vanilla ice cream. I'd rather know I'm vanilla and be okay with that.
However, when it comes to Christianity, I believe it's okay to be vanilla ice cream but we need to be willing to allow God to mix other flavors in sometimes.

Are you willing to step out? Are you willing to ask God where He is? Ask God where He wants you? It's the most dangerous question you'll ever ask Him.

May the peace of our precious Savior rest upon you and comfort you like a warm blanket.

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