Monday, May 14, 2012

What Does A Real Pastor Look Like

"Brothers and sisters, we were separated from you for a while physically but not in our hearts. We made every effort in our desire to see you again face-to-face. We wanted to come to you—I, Paul, tried over and over again—and Satan stopped us. What is our hope, joy, or crown that we can brag about in front of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Isn’t it all of you? You are our glory and joy!" (1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 CEB) I've never had what I would consider a "real pastor" in my life. I take that back, my Uncle Jim is a "real pastor" and was in my life as my pastor for a little over a year, but I was young and really didn't understand things yet, so I didn't understand that not every church leader is a pastor, until last year. We have the 5 fold gifts or offices: Pastor, Prophet, Apostle, Evangelist, and Teacher. But not every church leader is a pastor. I worked with a "pastor" for two years until I learned that he was really not a pastor. He was a prophet and an evangelist. This became a big deal when I came to a point in my life where I didn't need a prophet as the main influence in my life. I needed a pastor - a true pastor. Pastors are more relational than the Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher, or Apostle. Having never been led by a "real pastor" when I was growing up, I never understood the importance of getting involved in someone’s life in detail. I always saw my "pastors" or church leaders out of the picture in the regular church members’ lives. For example, when a family member was in the hospital, the main "pastor" didn't show up to pray with the family, the "real pastor" did. When a church member wanted to go get coffee and speak to someone in the church the main "pastor" didn't go, the "real pastor" went instead. So growing up I always assumed that the pastor or main church leader didn't perform these tasks. What I now realize is that those main "pastors" were not pastors at all. They were prophets, teachers, apostles, or evangelists operating as pastors. Now that I am older and moving towards a place in life where I am beginning to understand which area of ministry I want to participate and focus, I am realizing that I have the heart of a "real pastor". I love getting involved in people’s lives on a daily basis. I love going out for coffee with someone and being involved in their love, their hurt, their fear, and their joy. I love listening to them and praying with them, and sharing new things I'm discovering in my relationship with Jesus. I enjoy inspiring them to walk into a deeper relationship with God. I also enjoy giving and being a part of prophetic ministry and evangelism. But I need to be a bigger part of a person’s life than the prophet and evangelist. If the Lord gives me a prophetic word for someone I want to be around them to see how that word plays out. I don't want to simply breeze into a town, says some good words, pray some powerful prayers, collect my offering and move on to the next town. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with those types of ministers. Each one of the 5 gifts or ministries is vitally important to the overall health of the church body. All I am saying is, as I've grown up I've realized that I cannot work in that style of ministry. I enjoy living in people’s lives through the good, bad, and the ugly. I love the verse above where Paul says "What is our hope, joy, or crown that we can brag about in front of our Lord Jesus when He comes? Isn’t it all of you?" When I read this verse, I can picture myself standing with the Lord on that glorious day. He'll ask me "What did you do with the name of Jesus?" and I'll respond by telling Him the stories of each person I lived life with and how I helped them by discipling, mentoring, and loving them. "I didn't lead millions to You, but let me tell You about Jason and how through my relationship with You I was able to introduce Jason into that same loving relationship I shared with You." As I get older I am seeing more and more how vitally important it is for us as Christians, to live a more personal and intimate life with one another. We need to become invested in each others’ lives. The older generation has to mentor and disciple the younger generation in the ways of the Lord. We have to love each other in more radical ways. What appeal does the church have if we don't have love? Without love don't we become a clanging cymbal? I look into some church communities and see a bride that has been abused, that has been self-centered, that has not been pastored, that has not been genuinely loved. It's not their fault. It's just the way Christianity went for a few years. My heart breaks for those communities. Those are the people I want to love. Those are the people I want to inspire through my relationship with Jesus. I'd like to encourage you to pray and ask The Lord to bring you into the lives of people that need you. Call someone on the phone and ask them out for coffee, get involved in peoples lives on a very real level. Don't be afraid, don't be superficial, and don't be arrogant. Love people, after all that's what life is all about.


  1. hits deep. iv often felt selfish for thinkig "I need a Michelangelo to treat me like his David." that is to look at me like a big mess of mass that has potential that needs the hard work and love of a workmen (paster) who takes personal responsability for the finnished product. i have trubble trying to mold myself or even letting the Holyspirit mold me. not because i dont love God but because im a sensory type. i am designed to feel everything going on around me, and there is alot more going on then most can see or feel. Im ok fighting invisable things with the knowladge of an invisable God for a time. but without a human example of His personal love and vision for me i struggle eveytime.Thank you Brother.

    1. Yea buddy, that's good to hear. I've had the honor of having a pastor in my life for the last 8 or 9 months that has really invested time and energy into my life. It's amazing what becomes if a person when they are fathered properly inside the church
